Aardvark 9 photos
Aardwolf 2 photos
Abyssinian Ground Hornbill 3 photos
Acanthocercus atricollis 2 photos
Acanthoplus discoidalis 4 photos
Acinonyx jubatus 45 photos
Acrocephalus arundinaceus 1 photo
Actophilornis africanus 14 photos
Aepyceros melampus 58 photos
Africa 3715 photos
African bush elephant 218 photos
African civet 2 photos
African Darter 9 photos
African Fish Eagle 24 photos
African Green Pigeon 3 photos
African Grey Hornbill 2 photos
African Jacana 14 photos
African migrant 2 photos
African Monarch 5 photos
African Openbill 10 photos
African Pied Wagtail 2 photos
African puff adder 6 photos
African red-eyed bulbul 2 photos
African sacred ibis 5 photos
African Silverbill 3 photos
African Skimmer 2 photos
African spoonbill 2 photos
African wild dog 191 photos
Afrique 3681 photos
Afrique du sud 36 photos
Afrotis afra 1 photo
Agama aculeata distantii 1 photo
Agama des arbres à tête bleue 2 photos
Agama planiceps 1 photo
Agapornis personatus 4 photos
Agapornis roseicollis 23 photos
Aigle de Wahlberg 5 photos
Aigle des steppes 12 photos
Aigle huppard 7 photos
Aigle martial 5 photos
Aigle ravisseur 2 photos
Aigrette garzette 3 photos
Alcedo quadribrachys 1 photo
Alcelaphus buselaphus 22 photos
Alcyon pie 20 photos
Alecto à bec rouge 1 photo
Alopochen aegyptiaca 10 photos
Alouatta seniculus 1 photo
Amarante du Sénégal 4 photos
Amérique du sud 74 photos
Ammomane de Gray 3 photos
Ammomanopsis grayi 3 photos
Amur Falcon 9 photos
Anaconda vert 12 photos
Anas erythrorhyncha 2 photos
Anas undulata 1 photo
Anastomus lamelligerus 11 photos
Angolan colobus 8 photos
Anhinga 1 photo
Anhinga anhinga 1 photo
Anhinga d'Afrique 9 photos
Anhinga d'Amérique 1 photo
Anhinga rufa 9 photos
Antelope 286 photos
Antidorcas marsupialis 29 photos
Antilope 286 photos
Antilope rouanne 4 photos
Aquila nipalensis 12 photos
Aquila rapax 2 photos
Ara chloroptère 1 photo
Ara chloropterus 1 photo
Ara macao 3 photos
Ara rouge 3 photos
Arctocephalus pusillus 32 photos
Ardea alba 43 photos
Ardea cinerea 13 photos
Ardea cocoi 1 photo
Ardea goliath 13 photos
Ardea melanocephala 9 photos
Ardea purpurea 1 photo
Ardeola ralloides 8 photos
Ardeotis kori 21 photos
Armoured katydid 4 photos
Arundinicola leucocephala 2 photos
Astrild à tête noire 1 photo
Astrild nonnette 3 photos
Astrild ondulé 1 photo
Autour chanteur 9 photos
Autour gabar 2 photos
Autruche d'Afrique 40 photos
Babouin chacma 3 photos
Babouin cynocéphale 97 photos
Babouin olive 2 photos
Balaeniceps rex 40 photos
Balearica regulorum 20 photos
Banded mongoose 8 photos
Banded water cobra 12 photos
Bangwelu wetlands 179 photos
Barbican bidenté 5 photos
Barbican d'Arnaud 6 photos
Bare-faced Go-away-bird 1 photo
Barn Swallow 1 photo
Bat-eared fox 5 photos
Bateleur 9 photos
Bateleur des savanes 9 photos
Batis molitor 1 photo
Bec-en-ciseaux d'Afrique 2 photos
Bec-en-sabot du Nil 40 photos
Bec-ouvert africain 11 photos
Belenois aurota 2 photos
Bennett's Woodpecker 1 photo
Bergeronnette pie 2 photos
Bihoreau gris 1 photo
Bird 1232 photos
Bitis arietans 6 photos
Bitis caudalis 19 photos
Bitis peringueyi 3 photos
Black and red bush squirre 15 photos
Black lechwe 17 photos
Black mamba 3 photos
Black rhinoceros 25 photos
Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill 1 photo
Black-backed jackal 25 photos
Black-bellied Bustard 3 photos
Black-chested Snake Eagle 1 photo
Black-crowned Night Heron 1 photo
Black-crowned Waxbill 3 photos
Black-headed Gonolek 2 photos
Black-headed Heron 9 photos
Black-headed Waxbill 1 photo
Black-winged stilt 10 photos
Blacksmith Lapwing 2 photos
Blue Waxbill 6 photos
Blue wildebeest 11 photos
Blue-headed agama 2 photos
Boeuf watussi 5 photos
Bos taurus 5 photos
Bostrychia hagedash 15 photos
Botswana 569 photos
Bousier 1 photo
broad-bordered grass yellow 4 photos
Bronzy Sunbird 7 photos
Brown fur seal 32 photos
Brown Snake Eagle 1 photo
Brown-throated Wattle-eye 2 photos
Bubale roux 22 photos
Bubalornis niger 1 photo
Bubo africanus 5 photos
Bubo lacteus 5 photos
Bubulcus ibis 8 photos
Bucco capensis 1 photo
Bucorve d'Abyssinie 3 photos
Bucorve du Sud 18 photos
Bucorvus abyssinicus 3 photos
Bucorvus leadbeateri 18 photos
Buffle des savanes ouest-africain 3 photos
Buffle du Cap 38 photos
Bulbul brunoir 2 photos
Bulbul tricolore 1 photo
Buphagus africanus 21 photos
Buphagus erythrorhynchus 15 photos
Burchell's Sandgrouse 2 photos
Burchell's zebra 57 photos
Burhinus capensis 2 photos
Buse blanche 1 photo
Bushbuck 11 photos
Bushpig 9 photos
Butorides striata 4 photos
Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park 159 photos
Bycanistes subcylindricus 1 photo
Cacicus cela 1 photo
Cairina moschata 1 photo
Calao à bec noir 2 photos
Calao à bec rouge de Tanzanie 2 photos
Calao à joues grises 1 photo
Calao d'Afrique du Sud 3 photos
Calao de Decken 2 photos
Calao leucomèle 16 photos
Caméléon à cape 10 photos
Camelus dromedarius 2 photos
Campethera bennettii 1 photo
Canard à bec jaune 1 photo
Canard à bec rouge 2 photos
Canard à bosse 2 photos
Canard musqué 1 photo
Canis mesomelas 25 photos
Cape buffalo 38 photos
Cape hare 1 photo
Cape large-spotted genet 8 photos
Cape Starling 7 photos
Cape Stick-insect 3 photos
Capucin bec-d'argent 3 photos
Caracal 5 photos
Caracal caracal 5 photos
Caracara à gorge rouge 2 photos
Cassique cul-jaune 1 photo
Catopsilia florella 2 photos
Central Kalahari Game Reserve 131 photos
Centropus senegalensis 6 photos
Centropus superciliosus 9 photos
Ceratotherium simum 13 photos
Cercopithecus ascanius 50 photos
Cercopithecus lhoesti 7 photos
Cercopithèque ascagne 50 photos
Cercopithèque de l'Hœst 7 photos
Ceryle rudis 33 photos
Chacal à chabraque 25 photos
Chacma baboon 3 photos
Chamaeleo dilepis 10 photos
Charadrius tricollaris 2 photos
Charaxes brutus 5 photos
Cheetah 45 photos
Chestnut Weaver 16 photos
Chevalier sylvain 4 photos
Chevêchette perlée 4 photos
Chilorhinophis gerardi 1 photo
Chimpanzé 302 photos
Chimpanzee 302 photos
Chinspot Batis 1 photo
Chiromantis 4 photos
Chiromantis xerampelina 4 photos
Chlorocebus aethiops 31 photos
Chobe National Park 143 photos
Choloepus didactylus 3 photos
Choucador à épaulettes rouges 7 photos
Choucador à longue queue 2 photos
Choucador à oreillons bleus 1 photo
Choucador de Meves 5 photos
Choucador superbe 4 photos
Chouette-pêcheuse de Pel 13 photos
Chrysococcyx caprius 1 photo
Ciconia episcopus 6 photos
Cigogne épiscopale 6 photos
Circaète à poitrine noire 1 photo
Circaète brun 1 photo
Circaetus cinereus 2 photos
Civette d'Afrique 2 photos
Civettictis civetta 2 photos
Cobe à croissant 17 photos
Cobe de Buffon 5 photos
Cobe de Lechwe noir 17 photos
Cobe lechwe rouge 1 photo
Cobe onctueux 6 photos
Cobra d'eau 12 photos
Cochevis modeste 1 photo
Cocoi Heron 1 photo
Colibri topaze 1 photo
Coliou rayé 3 photos
Colius striatus 3 photos
Collared Puffbird 1 photo
Collared tree lizard 1 photo
Colobe d'Angola 8 photos
Colobe guéréza 27 photos
Colobe rouge d'Ouganda 21 photos
Colobus angolensis 8 photos
Colobus guereza occidentalis 27 photos
Colombar à front nu 3 photos
Colope de Koch 2 photos
Colopus kochii 2 photos
Columba guinea 9 photos
Common Green Iguana 8 photos
Common Moorhen 1 photo
Common Ostrich 40 photos
Common Waxbill 1 photo
Connochaetes taurinus 11 photos
Connochaetes taurinus cooksoni 16 photos
Cookson's wildebeest 16 photos
Coracias caudatus 37 photos
Coracias garrulus 1 photo
Corbeau pie 15 photos
Cordonbleu de l'Angola 6 photos
Cormoran africain 14 photos
Corvus albus 15 photos
Corythaeola cristata 17 photos
Corythaixoides concolor 2 photos
Corythaixoides personatus 1 photo
Corythornis cristatus 15 photos
Coucal à sourcils blancs 9 photos
Coucal du Sénégal 6 photos
Coucher de soleil 39 photos
Coucou didric 1 photo
Courvite à double collier 2 photos
Crabier chevelu 8 photos
Crapaud buffle africain 8 photos
Craqueur rouge 3 photos
Crécerelle aux yeux blancs 10 photos
Crested Guineafowl 1 photo
Crimson Topaz 1 photo
Crimson-breasted Shrike 2 photos
Crinifer zonurus 1 photo
Criquet à armure 4 photos
Crocodile du Nil 27 photos
Crocodylus niloticus 27 photos
Crocuta crocuta 57 photos
Cyanomitra olivacea 2 photos
Cynictis penicillata 6 photos
D'Arnaud's Barbet 6 photos
Damaliscus korrigum 21 photos
Daman des rochers 2 photos
Daman des steppes 8 photos
Damara zebra 8 photos
Danaus chrysippus 5 photos
Dark-capped Bulbul 1 photo
Defassa waterbuck 6 photos
Dendroaspis polylepis 3 photos
Dendrocygna viduata 2 photos
Dendrocygne veuf 2 photos
Dermochelys coriacea 2 photos
Diceros bicornis 25 photos
Diederik Cuckoo 1 photo
Dik-dik de Kirk 13 photos
Double-banded Courser 2 photos
Double-toothed Barbet 5 photos
Dromadaire 2 photos
Dromedary 2 photos
Dung beetle 1 photo
Eastern Golden Weaver 5 photos
Eastern Ground Agama 1 photo
Eastern Plantain-eater 1 photo
Echasse blanche 10 photos
Ecureuil Lucifer 15 photos
Ecureuil terrestre 15 photos
Effraie des clochers 3 photos
Egretta garzetta 3 photos
Egyptian Goose 10 photos
Elegant Grasshopper 2 photos
Elephant de savane 218 photos
Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis 22 photos
Equus quagga 57 photos
Equus quagga antiquorum 8 photos
Estrilda astrild 1 photo
Estrilda atricapilla 1 photo
Estrilda nonnula 3 photos
Etosha National Park 183 photos
Eunectes murinus 12 photos
Euodice cantans 3 photos
Euplecte à épaules orangées 2 photos
Euplecte ignicolore 12 photos
Euplecte vorabé 1 photo
Euplectes afer 1 photo
Euplectes axillaris 2 photos
Euplectes orix 12 photos
Eupodotis senegalensis 4 photos
Eurema brigitta 5 photos
Eurocéphale de Rüppell 4 photos
Eurocephalus ruppelli 4 photos
European Roller 1 photo
Exclamatory Paradise Whydah 1 photo
Falco amurensis 9 photos
Falco ardosiaceus 1 photo
Falco biarmicus 4 photos
Falco rupicoloides 10 photos
Fan-tailed Widowbird 2 photos
Faucon ardoisé 1 photo
Faucon de l'Amour 9 photos
Faucon lanier 4 photos
Flap-necked Chameleon 10 photos
Francolin à bec rouge 11 photos
Francolin à gorge rouge 7 photos
French Guiana 74 photos
Gabar Goshawk 2 photos
Galago moholi 2 photos
Galerida modesta 1 photo
Gallinula chloropus 1 photo
Gallinule poule-d'eau 1 photo
Ganga de Burchell 2 photos
Gazelle de Grant 3 photos
Gecko aboyeur du Cap 3 photos
Gecko des sables de Namibie 11 photos
Gecko tacheté de l'ouest 3 photos
Gemsbok 45 photos
Genetta tigrina 8 photos
Genette tigrine 8 photos
Gerard's Black And Yellow Burrowing Snake 1 photo
Giant bullfrog 8 photos
Giant forest hog 20 photos
Giant green anaconda 12 photos
Giant Kingfisher 4 photos
Girafe de Rothschild 15 photos
Girafe du Niger 22 photos
Girafe Masai 44 photos
Giraffa camelopardalis peralta 22 photos
Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi 15 photos
Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi 44 photos
Glaucidium perlatum 4 photos
Glossy Ibis 10 photos
Gnou bleu 11 photos
Gnou de Cookson 16 photos
Gobemouche à gorge grise 1 photo
Gobemouche de Berlioz 1 photo
Gobemouche des marais 6 photos
Goéland dominicain 2 photos
Goliath Heron 13 photos
Gonimbrasia belina 4 photos
Gonolek à ventre rouge 2 photos
Gonolek rouge et noir 2 photos
Gorilla beringei beringei 197 photos
Gorille de montagne 197 photos
Grand Cormoran 1 photo
Grand koudou 20 photos
Grand-duc africain 5 photos
Grand-duc de Verreaux 5 photos
Grande Aigrette 45 photos
Grant's gazelle 3 photos
Gravelot à triple collier 2 photos
Gray's Lark 3 photos
Great Blue Turaco 17 photos
Great Cormorant 1 photo
Great Egret 45 photos
Great Reed Warbler 1 photo
Great White Pelican 8 photos
Greater Blue-eared Starling 1 photo
Greater Kestrel 10 photos
Greater kudu 20 photos
Grey Crowned Crane 20 photos
Grey foam-nest tree frog 4 photos
Grey Go-away-bird 2 photos
Grey Heron 13 photos
Grey Kestrel 1 photo
Grey Parrot 7 photos
Grey-capped Social Weaver 5 photos
Grey-throated Tit-Flycatcher 1 photo
Grivet 31 photos
Ground squirrel 15 photos
Groundscraper Thrush 1 photo
Grue caronculée 19 photos
Grue royale 20 photos
Grus carunculata 19 photos
Guépard 45 photos
Guêpier à front blanc 8 photos
Guêpier à gorge blanche 3 photos
Guêpier à gorge rouge 1 photo
Guêpier à queue d'aronde 5 photos
Guêpier écarlate 9 photos
Guêpier nain 9 photos
Guereza Colobus 27 photos
Guib d'eau 15 photos
Guib harnaché 11 photos
Guttera pucherani 1 photo
Guyane française 74 photos
Gypohierax angolensis 10 photos
Gyps africanus 25 photos
Hadada Ibis 15 photos
Halcyon senegalensis 14 photos
Haliaeetus vocifer 24 photos
Hamadryas amphinome 3 photos
Hamerkop 17 photos
Hartmann's mountain zebra 3 photos
Helmeted Guineafowl 7 photos
Héron cendré 13 photos
Héron cocoi 1 photo
Héron garde-boeufs 8 photos
Héron goliath 13 photos
Héron mélanocéphale 9 photos
Héron pourpré 1 photo
Héron strié 4 photos
Heterohyrax brucei 8 photos
Hieraaetus wahlberg 5 photos
Himantopus himantopus 10 photos
Hippopotame 202 photos
Hippopotamus 219 photos
Hippopotamus amphibius 219 photos
Hippotragus equinus 4 photos
Hirondelle à ailes blanches 1 photo
Hirondelle à longs brins 6 photos
Hirondelle rustique 1 photo
Hirundo rustica 1 photo
Hirundo smithii 6 photos
Hoggar hyrax 8 photos
Hooded Vulture 4 photos
Horned puff adder 19 photos
Hottentot Teal 4 photos
Hurleur roux 1 photo
Hwange National Park 42 photos
Hyène tachetée 57 photos
Hylocharis sapphirina 3 photos
Hylochère 20 photos
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni 20 photos
Hypargos niveoguttatus 5 photos
Ibis falcinelle 10 photos
Ibis hagedash 15 photos
Ibis sacré 5 photos
Ibycter americanus 2 photos
Iguana iguana 8 photos
Iguane vert 8 photos
Immature 41 photos
Impala 60 photos
Insect 37 photos
Insecte 37 photos
Inséparable masqué 4 photos
Inséparable rosegorge 23 photos
Jabiru d'Afrique 22 photos
Jacana à poitrine dorée 14 photos
Jacana nain 18 photos
Juvénile 41 photos
Kasanka National Park 28 photos
Katavi National Park 142 photos
Kelp Gull 2 photos
Kenya 145 photos
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park 100 photos
Khutse Game Reserve 17 photos
Kibale Forest National Park 334 photos
Kirk's Dik-dik 2 photos
Knob-billed Duck 2 photos
Kobus ellipsiprymnus 17 photos
Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa 6 photos
Kobus kob 5 photos
Kobus leche leche 1 photo
Kobus leche smithemani 17 photos
Kobus vardonii 39 photos
Kori Bustard 21 photos
L'hoest's monkey 7 photos
Lagonosticta senegala 4 photos
Lake Mburo National Park 27 photos
Lake Mulehe 3 photos
Lamprotornis caudatus 2 photos
Lamprotornis chalybaeus 1 photo
Lamprotornis mevesii 5 photos
Lamprotornis nitens 7 photos
Lamprotornis superbus 4 photos
Landscape 196 photos
Laniarius atrococcineus 2 photos
Laniarius erythrogaster 2 photos
Lanner falcon 4 photos
Lappet-faced vulture 17 photos
Larus dominicanus; 2 photos
Laughing Dove 4 photos
Leatherback turtle 2 photos
Leistes militaris 2 photos
Léopard 93 photos
Leopard Tortoise 4 photos
Leptailurus serval 8 photos
Leptoptilos crumenifer 25 photos
Lepus capensis 1 photo
Lesser Jacana 18 photos
Lever de soleil 29 photos
Lièvre du cap 1 photo
Lilac-breasted Roller 37 photos
Linné's Two-toed Sloth 3 photos
Lion 134 photos
Lissotis melanogaster 3 photos
Little Bee-eater 9 photos
Little egret 3 photos
Long-crested Eagle 7 photos
Long-tailed Glossy Starling 2 photos
Long-toed Lapwing 2 photos
Lophaetus occipitalis 7 photos
Lophocèbe d'Ouganda 17 photos
Lophocebus ugandae 17 photos
Lophotis ruficrista 1 photo
Loxodonta africana 218 photos
Luambe National Park 15 photos
Lybius bidentatus 2 photos
Lybius bidentatus 3 photos
Lycaon 191 photos
Lycaon pictus 191 photos
Mabamba Swamp 29 photos
Madoqua kirkii 2 photos
Madoqua kirkii thomasi 11 photos
Mahale Mountains National Park 77 photos
Malachite Kingfisher 15 photos
Malawi 3 photos
Mamba noir 3 photos
Mangouste jaune 6 photos
Mangouste rayée 8 photos
Marabou Stork 25 photos
Marabout d'Afrique 25 photos
Martial Eagle 5 photos
Martin-chasseur du Sénégal 14 photos
Martin-pêcheur azuré 1 photo
Martin-pêcheur géant 4 photos
Martin-pêcheur huppé 15 photos
Martin-pêcheur pie 13 photos
Masai Giraffe 44 photos
Masai Mara National Reserve 145 photos
Matobo National Park 17 photos
Megaceryle maxima 4 photos
Melaenornis ardesiacus 1 photo
Melierax canorus 9 photos
Merle litsitsirupa 1 photo
Merops albicollis 3 photos
Merops bullockoides 8 photos
Merops bulocki 1 photo
Merops hirundineus 5 photos
Merops nubicus 9 photos
Merops pusillus 9 photos
Messager sagittaire 22 photos
Meves's Starling 5 photos
Meyer's Parrot 6 photos
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park 45 photos
Microcarbo africanus 14 photos
Micronisus gabar 2 photos
Microparra capensis 18 photos
Mikumi National Park 1 photo
Milan à bec jaune 10 photos
Milvus aegyptius 10 photos
Mohol bushbaby 2 photos
Mokolodi Nature Reserve 16 photos
Monkey 533 photos
Mopane worm 4 photos
Moremi game reserve 93 photos
Morpho achilles huebneri 2 photos
Motacilla aguimp 2 photos
Moucherolle à tête blanche 2 photos
Mountain gorilla 197 photos
Mungos mungo 8 photos
Muscicapa aquatica 6 photos
Muscovy Duck 1 photo
Mycteria ibis 51 photos
Myioparus griseigularis 1 photo
Naja annulata 12 photos
Namib chirping gecko 3 photos
Namib ghost gecko 2 photos
Namib rock agama 1 photo
Namib sand gecko 11 photos
Namib sand snake 1 photo
Namib-Naukluft National Park 12 photos
Namibia 434 photos
Namibie 434 photos
Nanger granti 3 photos
Necrosyrtes monachus 4 photos
Nectarinia kilimensis 7 photos
Niger 196 photos
Nile crocodile 22 photos
Northern Carmine Bee-eater 9 photos
Northern White-crowned Shrike 4 photos
Numida meleagris 7 photos
Nycticorax nycticorax 1 photo
Oedicnème tachard 2 photos
Oiseau 1232 photos
Okavango delta 66 photos
Olive baboon 2 photos
Olive sunbird 2 photos
Ombrette du Sénégal 17 photos
Onychognathus nabouroup 7 photos
Orange-winged dropwing 3 photos
Oryctérope du Cap 6 photos
Orycteropus afer 6 photos
Oryx gazella 45 photos
Oryx gazelle 45 photos
Otarie à fourrure d'Afrique du Sud 32 photos
Otocyon 5 photos
Otocyon megalotis 5 photos
Ouette d'Égypte 10 photos
Ouganda 868 photos
Outarde à ventre noir 3 photos
Outarde du Sénégal 4 photos
Outarde houppette 1 photo
Outarde korhaan 1 photo
Outarde kori 21 photos
Pachydactylus rangei 11 photos
Pachydactylus serval 3 photos
Pale Chanting Goshawk 9 photos
Pale-winged Starling 7 photos
Palm-nut Vulture 10 photos
Palmiste africain 10 photos
Pan troglodytes 302 photos
Panthera leo 136 photos
Panthera pardus 91 photos
Papio anubis 2 photos
Papio cynocephalus 97 photos
Papio ursinus 1 photo
Papio ursinus griseipes 2 photos
Paraxerus Lucifer 15 photos
Parc national du W 64 photos
Paresseux à deux doigts 3 photos
Paysage 197 photos
Pearl-spotted Owlet, 4 photos
Pel's Fishing Owl 13 photos
Pelecanus onocrotalus 8 photos
Pelecanus rufescens 3 photos
Pélican blanc 8 photos
Pélican gris 3 photos
Péluse d'Afrique de l'Est 2 photos
Pelusios sinuatus 2 photos
Peringuey's desert adder 3 photos
Perroquet de Meyer 6 photos
Perroquet jaco 7 photos
Petit monarque 5 photos
Phacochère commun 27 photos
Phacochoerus africanus 27 photos
Phalacrocorax carbo 1 photo
Phalces brevis 3 photos
Phasme d'Afrique du Sud 3 photos
Philetairus socius 11 photos
Pic de Bennett 1 photo
Pied Crow 16 photos
Pied Kingfisher 32 photos
Piéride du cassier 2 photos
Pigeon roussard 9 photos
Piliocolobus tephrosceles 21 photos
Pin-tailed Whydah 1 photo
Pink-backed Pelican 3 photos
Pintade de Numidie 7 photos
Pintade de Pucheran 1 photo
Pioneer white 2 photos
Piqueboeuf à bec jaune 21 photos
Piqueboeuf à bec rouge 15 photos
Platalea alba 2 photos
Platysteira cyanea 1 photo
Plegadis falcinellus 10 photos
Plica plica 1 photo
Ploceus rubiginosus 16 photos
Ploceus subaureus 5 photos
Poicephalus meyeri 6 photos
Polemaetus bellicosus 5 photos
Portrait 56 photos
Potamochère du Cap 9 photos
Potamochoerus larvatus 9 photos
Primate 261 photos
Pririt à collier 1 photo
Pririt molitor 1 photo
Procavia capensis 2 photos
Protèle 2 photos
Proteles cristata 2 photos
Psammophis leightoni namibensis 1 photo
Pseudastur albicollis 1 photo
Pseudonigrita arnaudi 5 photos
Psittacus erithacus 7 photos
Ptenopus carpi 3 photos
Pternistis adspersus 11 photos
Pternistis afer 7 photos
Pterocles burchelli 2 photos
Puku 39 photos
Purple Heron 1 photo
Pycnonotus nigricans 2 photos
Pycnonotus tricolor 1 photo
Pygargue vocifère 24 photos
Pyxicephalus adspersus 8 photos
Queen Elisabeth National Park 174 photos
Quelea quelea 1 photo
Raciphère Champêtre 7 photos
Rapace 135 photos
Raphicerus campestris 7 photos
Raptor 135 photos
Red cracker 3 photos
Red Hartebeest 22 photos
Red lechwe 1 photo
Red-and-green Macaw 1 photo
Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher 1 photo
Red-billed Buffalo Weaver 1 photo
Red-billed Firefinch 4 photos
Red-billed Oxpecker 15 photos
Red-billed Quelea 1 photo
Red-billed Spurfow 11 photos
Red-billed Teal 2 photos
Red-breasted Blackbird 2 photos
Red-crested Korhaan 1 photo
Red-necked Spurfowl 7 photos
Red-throated Bee-eater 1 photo
Red-throated Caracara 2 photos
Red-throated Twinspot 2 photos
Redtail monkey 50 photos
Reed Cormorant 14 photos
reptile 2 photos
Republic of South Africa 17 photos
Républicain d'Arnaud 5 photos
Républicain social 11 photos
République Sud-africaine 17 photos
Réserve Naturelle des Marais de Kaw 29 photos
Rhinocéros blanc 13 photos
Rhinocéros noir 25 photos
Rhinoptilus africanus 2 photos
Ring-necked Dove 5 photos
Roan antelope 4 photos
Rock hyrax 2 photos
Rollier à longs brins 37 photos
Rollier d'Europe 1 photo
Rosy-faced Lovebird 23 photos
Rothschild's giraffe 15 photos
Rousserolle turdoïde 1 photo
Ruaha National Park 239 photos
Ruaha Northern Red-billed Hornbill 2 photos
Rufipenne nabouroup 7 photos
Rufous-throated Sapphire 3 photos
Rynchops flavirostris 2 photos
Saddle-billed Stork 22 photos
Sagittarius serpentarius 22 photos
Saphir à gorge rousse 3 photos
Sarcelle hottentote 4 photos
Sarkidiornis melanotos 2 photos
Sauterelle élégante 2 photos
Savute 112 photos
Scarlet Macaw 3 photos
Scopus umbretta 17 photos
Scotopelia peli 13 photos
Secretary Bird 22 photos
Selous game reserve 49 photos
Senegal 10 photos
Senegal Coucal 6 photos
Sénégali enflammé 5 photos
Serin à calotte jaune 2 photos
Serinus flavivertex 2 photos
Serpent 62 photos
Serrated hinged terrapin 2 photos
Serval 8 photos
Shining-blue Kingfisher 1 photo
Shoebill 40 photos
Singe 558 photos
Sitatunga 15 photos
Snake 62 photos
Sociable Weaver 11 photos
Souimanga bronzé 7 photos
Souimanga olivâtre 2 photos
South Africa 6 photos
South America 70 photos
South Luangwa National Park 843 photos
Southern Black Korhaan 1 photo
Southern Ground Hornbill 18 photos
Southern Red Bishop 12 photos
Southern red-billed hornbill 3 photos
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill 16 photos
Spatula hottentota 4 photos
Spatule d'Afrique 1 photo
Speckled Mousebird 3 photos
Speckled Pigeon 9 photos
Spilopelia senegalensis 4 photos
Spotted Eagle-Owl 5 photos
Spotted hyena 57 photos
Spotted Thick-knee 2 photos
Springbok 27 photos
Spur-winged lapwing 3 photos
Squacco Heron 8 photos
Steenbok 7 photos
Steppe Eagle 12 photos
Stigmochelys pardalis 4 photos
Streptopelia capicola 5 photos
Striated Heron 4 photos
Struthio camelus 40 photos
Sturnelle militaire 2 photos
Sun lark 1 photo
Sunrise 30 photos
Sunset 40 photos
Superb Starling 4 photos
Suricata suricatta 13 photos
Suricate 13 photos
Swallow-tailed Bee-eater 5 photos
Swamp Flycatcher 5 photos
Syncerus caffer brachyceros 3 photos
Syncerus caffer caffer 37 photos
Tachycineta albiventer 1 photo
Tamatia à collier 1 photo
Tantale ibis 51 photos
Tanzania 509 photos
Tanzanie 509 photos
Tawny Eagle 2 photos
Tchitrec à ventre roux 1 photo
Terathopius ecaudatus 9 photos
Terpsiphone rufiventer 1 photo
Three-banded Plover 2 photos
Threskiornis aethiopicus 5 photos
Tisserin jaune 5 photos
Tisserin roux 16 photos
Tockus deckeni 2 photos
Tockus erythrorhynchus ruahae 2 photos
Tockus erythrorhynchus rufirostris 3 photos
Tockus leucomelas 16 photos
Tockus nasutus 2 photos
Topaza pella 1 photo
Topi 21 photos
Torgos tracheliotos 3 photos
Torgos tracheliotus 14 photos
Tortue léopard 4 photos
Tortue luth 2 photos
Touraco à queue barrée 1 photo
Touraco concolore 2 photos
Touraco géant 17 photos
Touraco masqué 1 photo
Tourterelle du Cap 5 photos
Tourterelle maillée 4 photos
Trachyphonus darnaudii 6 photos
Tragelaphus scriptus 11 photos
Tragelaphus spekii 15 photos
Tragelaphus strepsiceros 19 photos
Travailleur à bec rouge 1 photo
Treron calvus 3 photos
Trigonoceps occipitalis 2 photos
Tringa glareola 4 photos
Trithémis à ailes ambrées 3 photos
Trithemis kirbyi 3 photos
Tropidure plissé 1 photo
Turdus litsitsirupa 1 photo
Tyto alba affinis 3 photos
Uganda 868 photos
Uganda mangabey 17 photos
Ugandan red colobus 21 photos
Ugogo dikdik 11 photos
Uraeginthus angolensis 6 photos
Vanellus albiceps 3 photos
Vanellus armatus 2 photos
Vanellus crassirostris 2 photos
Vanellus spinosus 3 photos
Vanneau à ailes blanches 2 photos
Vanneau à tête blanche 3 photos
Vanneau armé 2 photos
Vanneau éperonné 3 photos
Varan des steppes d'Afrique orientale 1 photo
Varan du Nil 13 photos
Varanus albigularis albigularis 1 photo
Varanus niloticus 13 photos
Vautour à tête blanche 2 photos
Vautour africain 25 photos
Vautour charognard 4 photos
Vautour oricou 17 photos
Venezuelan red howler 1 photo
Ver de Mopane 4 photos
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl 5 photos
Vervet Monkey 31 photos
Veuve dominicaine 1 photo
Veuve nigérienne 1 photo
Victoria falls 36 photos
Vidua interjecta 1 photo
Vidua macroura 1 photo
Vipère à cornes d'Afrique du sud 19 photos
Vipère de Péringuey 3 photos
Vipère heurtante 6 photos
Von der Decken's Hornbill 2 photos
W National Park 64 photos
Wahlberg's Eagle 5 photos
Warthog 27 photos
Water monitor 13 photos
Waterbuck 17 photos
Wattled Crane 19 photos
Watussi 5 photos
West Africa savannah buffalo 3 photos
West African giraffe 22 photos
Western Barn Owl 3 photos
Western Buffon’s kob 5 photos
Western Cattle Egret 8 photos
Western Spotted Thick-toed Gecko 3 photos
White Hawk 1 photo
White rhinoceros 13 photos
White-backed Vulture 25 photos
White-barred Emperor 5 photos
White-bellied Bustard 4 photos
White-browed Coucal 9 photos
White-crowned Lapwing 3 photos
White-faced Whistling Duck 2 photos
White-fronted Bee-eater 8 photos
White-headed Marsh 2 photos
White-headed Vulture 2 photos
White-throated Bee-eater 3 photos
White-throated monitor 1 photo
White-winged Swallow 1 photo
Wire-tailed Swallow 6 photos
Wood Sandpiper 4 photos
Woodland kingfisher 14 photos
Woolly-necked Stork 6 photos
Xerus inauris 15 photos
Yellow baboon 97 photos
Yellow mongoose 6 photos
Yellow-billed Duck 1 photo
Yellow-billed kite 10 photos
Yellow-billed Oxpecker 21 photos
Yellow-billed Stork 51 photos
Yellow-collared Lovebird 4 photos
Yellow-crowned Bishop 1 photo
Yellow-crowned Canary 2 photos
Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher 2 photos
Yellow-rumped Cacique 1 photo
Zambia 1078 photos
Zambie 1078 photos
Zebra hartmannae 3 photos
Zèbre de Damara 8 photos
Zèbre de Hartmann 3 photos
Zèbre des plaines 57 photos
Zimbabwe 96 photos
Zonocerus elegans 2 photos

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